Thursday, February 17, 2011

Power is out...

We sit here all gathering for breakfast, ready for another day. Last night brought us another interesting challenge, when at 12:00 in the morning the power has gone out. The computer is on its last bit of battery, so we thought a quick post was in order. The team is all working well together and getting to know each other well...maybe a little to well even!

There have been some really cool things happening over the last couple days, where we have been able to connect with our local community. Jay posted yesterday about following the drums to a small local church, and last night we did the same. We wandered down into the village and found another small church gathering for what seemed like a youth meeting. We shared some time together singing, sharing about ourselves and why where here, and prayer. One of experiences that has had the biggest impact for me so far is experiencing the genuine worship and communion of believers here in Ghana. Although some times it is hard to tell what exactly they believe, the fact that they worship the same God as us is amazing and brings excitement to me. We exchange email addresses here constantly as everyone wants to stay in contact. Despite the fact that we may never see them here again on this earth, we will share eternity together!

We may not post for a bit, but don't worry we are doing great here in Ghana!! The power is out, but our drive for the mission and the work here has not been exhausted!



  1. We are so proud of you. Our prayers for continued health and strength. It is a week since we gathered at the school to pray together. Time goes by so quickly. You are missed at home, but we all know what you are doing is a very good thing.

  2. Hi from grade six.
    We watched the video this morning and it was good. You are doing awesome work. What a blessing you are! We are praying for your health and that the power will return. We are a little concerned about the man wearing flip flops while working with bricks. :-) LOL
    Have an amazing weekend - we're having a day off of school for Family Day on Monday. We'll keep praying for you and post another comment some time next week.

    Grade six - and Mrs. Kroezen

  3. G'day Y'all

    Great photos and great update. An absolute blessing you are able to worship with our Ghanian Brothers and Sisters. What an experience that must be.
    The site looks great. Considering the conditions you must work in it really looks like you are making great progress.
    We are being told of your extreme heat. We as well are in the midst of a heat wave. We are at a whopping 10 degrees. Rivers of water everywhere. Makes laundry easy. Don't fret though...we are getting more snow and cold temperatures on the weekend.
    We watched the video as well. Flip flops, no hardhats, open trenches.....We will have to have a meeting before y'all start laying block here.

    We at the Ranch are doing great. We are not starving and we are not without clean clothes.
    The kids are amazing. Behaving so well. So quiet. Duct tape is GREAT!!! :) :)
    You have nothing to worry about at this end Doll. Everyone is great so far.
    Thank you Peter so much for answering the phone last night when I called. I sooo miss you too. :) :)

    And let's not forget our Brother Ray in Peru.
    Ray called me this morning from deep within the jungle of Peru. (satellite phone)He said he is so remote that even planes don't fly over them.
    He and the team are doing great. No health issues and they are getting lots of work done.
    They will be breaking camp tomorrow to start the long journey home.
    Let us keep them in our daily prayers as well.

    Thats all for now.

    Blessings from home

  4. Thanks for sharing Allison and giving us alittle feel of life there. Worshipping together sounds like a true blessing! Praying for safety!
