Monday, February 14, 2011

We made it!!

Hello Everyone at home!

My name is Allison. I thought I would quickly introduce myself so you knew who was writing this post. We are all safe here in Ghana, and having a really great time. We thank God that our flight and travels brought us here safely, with out any troubles! Thanks so much for your prayers.

Since arriving we have had two days of getting accustom to the temperature and a little relaxation. This has been a great time for our team to get to know each other, the community and some of the local people. Everyone here is so friendly and welcoming. We have taken a walk each day into the town of Asamankese, and all along the way we are greeted by the kids shouting "O'Bra-nee" which is "hey white person" in Twi (Twree - the local language).

Today we started our first day on the job site, and what a successful day! We started the project with all the footings in, and our end goal to have all the walls up. Our first day has been a hot one, but we were able to accomplish way more than what was expected of us in one day. At some point soon, we will try to post a few pictures...but since we were just able to get on the internet, we will hold you in suspense for now :)

Thanks again for all your prayers and support! We are all doing well, and in great spirits... of course missing you all :)


  1. Hey dad! its avery! i am glad that you are building a school in ghana for all the children to learn about God and other stuff, also i hope you stay safe and when you come back you will be safe and very healthy- and i hope the rest of the team has a good time in Ghana and i hope they stay safe also.
    Hey dad, its anders, we're pretty fine in canada, i heard its pretty hot there, on friday its going to +13 here though... i lost a tooth last night and we are having a really good time with mom.
    hey john, its liz, glad to finally get an update-on the blog, everyone has been asking about you and their prayers seem to be working.. all the best to the others, take care!

  2. Hi Doreen. So far so good with your kids. They are behaving normal.

  3. Dear Mom. I miss you so much and I can't wait for you to come home. Thanks for all the Valentine stuff. Love Jackson.

  4. Dorthea and Allison,
    Missed you at the Norg retreat, but all went well. We prayed for you all and Dean kept us up to date with your texts.
    Praying for safety, and know that you will be a blessing there.

  5. hello Randy and Cecil All is well here, we did not go go to grandmas as she refused to have us come because she did not want us to see her in her present state. so Melissa and I had a good weekend with Lilly. Spke with Phil and Kerry and they are good too. Love you. It is very cold here

  6. Dorothea,
    Lots of people praying for you and thinking about you and the rest of the team. I talked to Nicole today and she assured me your clan is being well taken care of by friends and family. Glad to hear you're all there safely and off to a good start. We'll keep praying!
    - Andrew & Laura
